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Throughout the year I plan to do all kinds of photography challenges. Some will deal with technical things like shooting on macro, and others will be about capturing events or emotions. Laughing is something we all do a lot (I hope), but after browsing through my photo’s I’ve realized it’s not something we capture with our cameras very often.

Laughter challenge

So this month I challenge you to not only laugh (go ahead and do the deep belly-aching kind for me), but in the middle of that laughter remember to pick up your camera and capture the moment. I want awkward faces, open mouths, scrunchy eyes, the works!

To sign up all you have to do is comment below. Remember, you have to sign up for each challenge separately by commenting on the appropriate post. I will add you to a weekly reminder email list, unless you specificy otherwise in your comment. The last week of the month I ask that you email me your photos (and maybe a description) to share with everyone else.

Who’s with me on this one?